
Webb spots giant asteroid collision in Beta Pictoris

The Beta Pictoris system is younger, solely about 20 million years outdated. It’s younger sufficient to be within the strategy of forming planets....

Phoenix exoplanet’s puffy atmosphere survives red giant star

Astronomers have found a brand new “scorching Neptune” exoplanet, utilizing the TESS space telescope and W.M. Keck Observatory telescopes. It's about 1,840 light-years...

Goodbye Vulcan: Real-life Star Trek exoplanet doesn’t exist

HD 26965 b, additionally nicknamed Vulcan after the well-known planet in Star Trek, was thought to orbit the sun-like star 40 Eridani A,...

New exoplanet catalog unveils 126 exotic worlds

A brand new catalog comprises 126 newly found exoplanets. The NASA publication comprises 120 confirmed exoplanets and 6 candidates awaiting affirmation. The planets vary...

Gliese 12 b, an intriguing Earth- or Venus-sized world

Gliese 12 b is a newly found rocky exoplanet, between Earth and Venus in dimension. It orbits a purple dwarf star 40 light-years...

Webb solves mystery of puffy exoplanet WASP-107 b

WASP-107 b is a gas giant exoplanet, one of many lightest and least-dense ever found. Astronomers have questioned why it’s so “puffy.” Two analysis...

Exoplanet WASP-43 b weather is hot and wild

Climate on exoplanet WASP-43 b We will’t but immediately see the climate on exoplanets. However for some nearer worlds, the James Webb Space Telescope...

Webb telescope peers into young planetary systems

The James Webb Area Telescope has now acquired pictures of three planet-forming disks. These are disks of fuel and dust round younger stars,...

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How to take your own wide-field sky images

The summer time Milky Way was photographed from a hilltop over the Modoc Plateau in California utilizing ten...

Did a comet burst crash Earth’s climate 12,800 years ago?

Comet burst virtually killed humanity 12,800 years in the past About 12,800 years in the past – a geological...

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