
Shorelines of Titan’s seas likely shaped by waves

Liquid methane and ethane, not water, make up the liquid in Titan’s seas and smaller lakes. Temperatures on this massive moon of Saturn...

The End of Everything, LIVE, with Katie Mack

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLiczDtgxZ8Katherine J. (Katie) Mack is a theoretical cosmologist who holds the Hawking Chair in Cosmology and Science Communication on the Perimeter Institute for...

Did colliding dark matter shape the El Gordo galaxy cluster?

A brand new research suggests dark matter might have collisional properties, difficult the standard cosmological model. The research analyzed the habits of dark matter...

Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is 190 years old, scientists say

Jupiter’s Nice Purple Spot Within the 1600s, astronomers comparable to Giovanni Domenico Cassini, Robert Hooke and Galileo Galilei first pointed a brand new instrument...

1st pair of merging quasars seen at Cosmic Dawn

Merging quasars on the Cosmic Daybreak Quasars are regarded as extraordinarily vibrant, energetic, younger galaxies within the distant and early universe. Astronomers said on...

Webb spots giant asteroid collision in Beta Pictoris

The Beta Pictoris system is younger, solely about 20 million years outdated. It’s younger sufficient to be within the strategy of forming planets....

Spotted! Water frost on Mars volcanoes for 1st time

For the primary time, scientists have discovered water frost on Martian volcanoes. ESA’s Hint Fuel Orbiter spacecraft found the frost on the large...

Did Earth lose its protective bubble 2 million years ago?

Did Earth as soon as lose its protecting bubble? Earth rides by the galaxy contained in the protecting bubble of the sun referred to...

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