Home Astronomy Great Pacific Garbage patch: An abundance of life

Great Pacific Garbage patch: An abundance of life


Right here’s an incredible thread on Twitter by biologist Rebecca Helm of Helm Lab at Earth Commons Institute, Georgetown College. She is a jellyfish knowledgeable, who usually research life on the excessive seas. The tweet – from Could 5, 2023 – is in regards to the abundance of life within the Nice Pacific Rubbish Patch. Make sure to read the full conversation on Twitter. Or click the button to read the replies.

Backside line: Make sure to click on in, to learn the complete dialog on Twitter, on this wonderful thread from a scientist who research life on the excessive seas. It’s in regards to the abundance of life within the Nice Pacific Rubbish Patch. Shoutout to Shireen Gonzaga for alerting us to this fascinating thread.

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